Now that I've finished watching Asobi ni Iku yo!, I figured I may as well continue in a previous vein and summarize what made the show amazing for those who've got too-good taste to actually slog through the whole thing. Overall, Asobi ni Iku yo! was a pretty fun watch: it never made me mad, nor bored, nor upset, and it did make me laugh. The second half wasn't quite as hilarious as the first, but the show found its rhythm and balance between action and fanservice, and managed some trite but successful character development on a few characters, while further fleshing out its improbably-convenient setting. The only real disappointment about the second half was the general lack of Uncle Yuuichi. Warning: the rest of this article contains major spoilers for episodes 6-12 of the show!
I've been watching a show lately called Asobi ni Iku yo! ("We're going to play!") which is an unbelievable show, in the sense that I'm both always and never surprised by what happens next. In any case, the show makes no apologies for its low-brow-ness, which will turn many people off, so I am compelled to share some of the sheer amazement that it entails in a brief text format. Warning: the rest of this article contains major spoilers for episodes 1-5 of the show!